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Where's Boris?

It is said that Boris Johnson is 'fuming' because people say they don't trust him.  Whether or not Boris tells the truth, he certainly hides from it.

He hides from a lot of things - and has been known to hide in a refrigerator to avoid interviews!  I suppose that is an excellent way to cool down!

Well, now the country is flooding, and Boris is nowhere to be seen.  The country is flooding, and the minister responsible says that our flood defences are 'working'.  There's a flood! What is working about that?  Some people are chest high in water in their own homes: what flood defence worked for them?

But Boris is nowhere to be seen.

For all his blustering tomfoolery, Boris isn't useful in a crisis.

Now, there is a good argument that he should keep out of the way.  After all, what could he do wading around in his wellington boots looking silly?
Being silly has prevented him from appearing in the past. Remember that dangling fiasco on a high-wire during the Olympics?

Boris doesn't appear because he knows he will get questions, and he doesn't like questions. One question would be "What have the Tory governments being doing to improve flood defences over the last decade?"

He is more likely to point the finger at his predecessors in No. 10 than find an answer.

The government did increase spending on flood defences in England up to four years ago.  However, funding peaked in 2014-15 at about £950m after heavy winter flooding and has been lower in every year since.

The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, says that spending on London and the South East has been considerably higher than elsewhere in the country.  He is right. 

Spending in London and the South East in 2017 was £116 per head and £180 per head respectively. In contrast, funding in the West Midlands and north-east amounts to just £14 and £33 per head.

Perhaps that is why Boris hides from the people whose homes are flooded in the West Midlands and the North East and regions outside London and the South East. 


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