Here we go. It is winter and it is getting cold, freezing cold, shiver your timbers cold. It is winter. That is what I expect in winter. But when I read the newspapers or watch television you would not think so. Now is the time for headlines. Winter is no longer sufficient. It has to be 'record low temperatures', 'lowest since records began', 'the big freeze'. It isn't of course. It is winter, and when I look at the story under the headline we find that it is the lowest temperature recorded in some obscure part of the Britain. Headlines. We live by them. There is that phrase I hear used often 'the headline figure'. Beware of them is what I say. It is all designed to make us feel that something awful is happening, when it is simply winter. Now this isn't to say I don't believe it when we are told that environmental change is causing changes in weather patterns - more stormy weather, more floods, more heat waves, more...snow. Winter. Sin...
A journey of discovery of what makes us who we are and the choices we make through topical issues.