What is the United Kingdom? What is it for? We know historically how it came about, but what now binds these nations together apart from its legal relationship? The answer to that is more interesting than it seems. Those who work together, including nation-states, usually do so because they have common objectives and a cultural alliance. To be British in large part was once defined by its empire. British colonialism was English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. It gave the 'British people' a commonality. We were not simply four nations occupying the British Isles. The Monarchy was moulded in the image of this empire. The monarchy was carefully crafted despite its German heritage. But the Empire has long gone, and the United Kingdom looked to Europe with its membership of the European Union. Now, most likely, that visions will also be gone. The more fragile our relationship with the world, the more fragile is the unity of th...
A journey of discovery of what makes us who we are and the choices we make through topical issues.