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Showing posts from November, 2016

Trump's climate change?

In my early teens, back in the 1960s I wrote a brief poem titled ‘under sunlight rays’. It was my first real statement of concern about the damage we were doing to our environment.  It was also my first attempt at poetry.  There stood a tree in my childhood days And there grew grass under sunlight rays But where are these now so rare Under the concrete lain so bare My children Will not know In the world in which they'll grow They will read it in a book And I Will say look There grew a tree in my childhood days And there grew grass under sunlight rays It was my first insight into the loss of our forests of trees, but little did I know then just how important they were.  There Is considerable anxiety about President-elect Donald Trump, and not least because he does not accept Global warming is man made. He believes it is a Chinese hoax. The concept of global warming, he says, was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufactu...