Brexit isn't an ideal. It might break the cosy economic and political illusion that all growth and trade is good. But there is little thinking behind it. It won't lead to better trade. It won't save our planet. No plan for Brexit The UK is now just months away from leaving the European Union, yet still the government has no plan for Brexit. Sector after sector of British society are registering their concerns about the consequences of a 'no deal' Brexit. The country is in the dark about what the future might hold. Key issues remain unresolved, yet it is as if it doesn't matter. Brexit, remember, means Brexit! Whether we are for or against Brexit we should be concerned that the government can't agree on what kind of deal they want with our biggest trading partner - the European Union. There is no idealism behind Brexit, and no vision for the future. Instead, there is a blind hope that it will be 'alright on the night'...
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